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I love this game <33

It's really nice how the player is gender neutral.

I just love everything about it thank you for making this. <3

(1 edit) (+3)

I really like this gamee ^^ It was really fun ^^

When Dimitri kidnapped us and confessed his love I really wanted for options to pop out XD I wonder what the ending would be if the player also confessed their love for Dimitri (Either they actually like him or they just want to survive)

I wonder what picture 2 is XD maybe "I have known you do not love me" or maybe it goes like this "I have known you since we were little. You do not remember me do you?" or maybe something like that

I have a feeling the player and Dimitri have met even before they matched at the dating app (Maybe because of the side stories and the hidden file lore thingy.. maybe its obvious? XD) 

I also have a feeling that Dimitri is the reason why the previous dates where it didn't end well.. He probably killed them? or disposed of them like threatening them? 

What if the player is also a serial killer or a yandere? (O.O plot twist~ XD but probably not because the player seemed genuinely scared)

ah now I'm just rambling about my thoughts XD well in short I really liked the game and I'm really looking forward for more updates ^^


Does this have multiple endings, or only one?


Only one so far! but their are slight differences on the way depending which route you end up on!


the game is very good and I love it even if it is a demo I just have a question about who the model is and if there is an option to use it


kewl game


i knew all along that i dated a serial killer. But when he turned all yandere on me, i legit got the chills. scariest visual novel i have played. Well done devs

So excited for the full game, I already loved the demo! <3

THE NEW UPDATE IS SO good hhhhhhhhhhh I love dimitri even more now 

Hi im having trouble figuring out how to open the game ive looked through a lot of files and extracted the whole thing but cant figure it out lol this may be me being dumb but could someone help me please it looks awesome to play!


you have to open the folder and where the file type says " application" hit right click run as admin and then more info on the windows protector and run anyway.  should solve the issue if you're on windows/pc I believe. 

Is there any plans for an android version of the game? The game seems really interesting and it's unfortunate that I can't play it because I'm on android. 


Not for a while unfortinaly, I'm really not sure how to do that. It may not be the best but there are some really entertaining let's plays on youtube!


I see, thanks for the reply! I'll make sure to check the plays on YouTube!


ABSOLUTLEY LOVE THIS DEMO!!! i just finished checking out the files/secrets and HCLADHJKSHJ I LOVE IT!!! this game makes me geek out so much!!! looking foward for the future updates of this game!!! ~\(≧▽≦)/~ 




I’m glad you like it!


i dont usually comment on games, but OH MY GOD this was just JAM PACKED with content for just a DEMO 

every little detail about him is so cute and it broke my soul to reject him but completionist mindset,,

but yeah this is amazing and THE MMD MODEL FOR SPRITES IS SO SMART???????? OP UR BRAIN HUMONGOUS

ok im done this game is beautiful and amazing and i pray youll continue development


the game gets worked on and updated a lot!

I downloaded the game yesterday and it is so good. Can't wait for the updates  :D

Deleted 1 year ago


Deleted 1 year ago

I love it! theres gonna be more secrets to come!

Looking forward to it hihi


I've commented around a month ago but I decided to create a new one just so the old comment won't get too clogged up.

But I played through it and it has no bugs this time! The story so far is pretty intruiging too! The "..." part is very creepy, especially with that voice acting, it's very cool. I really do want to know why Dimitri is doing all this.

I'm pretty excited to see how the full game will be. Wishing you all the best with the development! :D


Thankyou so much!


I was wondering if the game was available for windows. I dont see the download link. 

The pc download option works for windows and linux!


please please PLEASE tell me youll do more of the game...

The game gets updated every couple of weeks!


I wonder if you use a personal social media site to update about this game,because I will love to post fanart or something like that so more people know about this game with hashtag for easy searching 

@AntsInABag on twitter, @adatewithyourserialdev on insta and a date with your serial killer on YouTube . I don;t post ,many updates but thats where youll find me! If you post with #Adatewithyourserialkillergame or something like that let me know! I'll post more updates on my socials now aswell! your free to post fanart here as well if you'd like!


Thank for reply i hope there will be more people know about your game :D

hey in the game folder, there's some files saying 1,2 and 4. How can I get the 3rd one?

explore every option in the game! If that doesn’t work dm on my Twitter linked on my page and I’ll be happy to send it to you!

SPOILER WANRING: Have you gone rejecting, accepting and being unsure about Dimitri? Have you clicked every option when it comes up? 


woah I'll try it then!! The game is reallyyyyy good thoo. Loved it

I also recommend you pay attention to the top right of the screen, there may be soemthing very small that you could click on, I wonder what it does.

aaaa wheree? sorry im dumb but i really wanna know. I've been obsessed with this game haha. It's cute and creepy

also it's saying you can not be messaged in twitter :(( I got the 3 file btw but I'd appreciate it If you explain about the small button thing on screen 

Whats your twitter @

(1 edit) (+6)

I’m absolutely in love rn

I’ll definitely download when full release come out!! Heres a sketch fan art

This is so good! Thankyou so much for enjoying the game! would you mind if i included this in a fan art appreciation update?


sure! I don’t mind!


sucks playing demos when its a good one


yooo that was great! but the dialogue "..............." was a pain it was too long LMFAO. the voice at the end had me shook cant wait for full release! :D

I promise by the next release it won't be like that!


Even this is a demo it's so high quality, the sound effect anh the song was so cool. I can't wait for the full game, you are really talented through :D

This game has such a cool UI and animation, I also like where it was going! But sadly I got an error after he asked if I liked him. I'm playing the mac version. Here's what the error says:


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 42, in script call

    call start1 from _call_start1 #start1 is the label.

  File "game/STORY.rpy", line 217, in script


  File "game/STORY.rpy", line 219, in <module>

    except: open(config.basedir + "/Wonder.txt", "w").write("I wonder if you knew, I wonder.\nDo I spark your interest?\nAm I familiar to you?\nDo you remember at all?\nI have distinguishing features, even after years, they could make me stand out.\nI remember, everything, every single thing.\nThose moments, that moment.\nthe look, that single look.\nIt's funny to think about, if it wasn't so sad.\nIt's always been sad.")

IOError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: u'/private/var/folders/q5/f133cj2j2198rh21kbky8hg80000gr/T/AppTranslocation/89BB49C4-5E68-4D76-8FA3-26661A30137D/d/'

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 42, in script call

    call start1 from _call_start1 #start1 is the label.

  File "game/STORY.rpy", line 217, in script


  File "/private/var/folders/q5/f133cj2j2198rh21kbky8hg80000gr/T/AppTranslocation/89BB49C4-5E68-4D76-8FA3-26661A30137D/d/", line 814, in execute

    renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide,

  File "/private/var/folders/q5/f133cj2j2198rh21kbky8hg80000gr/T/AppTranslocation/89BB49C4-5E68-4D76-8FA3-26661A30137D/d/", line 1719, in py_exec_bytecode

    exec bytecode in globals, locals

  File "game/STORY.rpy", line 219, in <module>

    except: open(config.basedir + "/Wonder.txt", "w").write("I wonder if you knew, I wonder.\nDo I spark your interest?\nAm I familiar to you?\nDo you remember at all?\nI have distinguishing features, even after years, they could make me stand out.\nI remember, everything, every single thing.\nThose moments, that moment.\nthe look, that single look.\nIt's funny to think about, if it wasn't so sad.\nIt's always been sad.")

IOError: [Errno 30] Read-only file system: u'/private/var/folders/q5/f133cj2j2198rh21kbky8hg80000gr/T/AppTranslocation/89BB49C4-5E68-4D76-8FA3-26661A30137D/d/'



A Date With Your Serial Killer 


I am so sorry! i'll try and fix it, i haven't had that happen on the other versions of the game so it may take me a bit, i'll reply when i update the error!

It's okay and please take your time! Whenever you fix the bug, I'll definitely be down to play it again! :D


The issue should be fixed!

I'm really sorry to bother you again but I think you might've forgotten to upload the mac version to the download page. I tried downloading all three versions and none worked on mac (the PC version only works on windows and linux if I'm not mistaken) ;;

Again, please take your time though! I know you have a life outside of this too 

what exactly doesn’t work? Does it not open or is it the same issue as last time? The Mac version should appear

it was on my end I checked and I accidentally hid the download, should be good now!

I got this error too but only when I answered "I don't know". To be completely honest I thought it was intentional until I saw the comment above, gave very Doki Doki Literature Club vibes when the game temporarily stopped after not answering yes <3


It's a great game! Admittedly I was scared my laptop had lagged a bit when I was at the "....." part but thankfully I scrolled through the comments to view what I should do next. I love the little demo, though I do wish there were more elements to it I'm excited to see where the story goes on from here!


i definitely enjoyed this game. I saw this and didn't think much but i absolutely LOVE how its going! i find the guy very interesting, the story is good, great aesthetic, i cant wait for more! well done so far (/≧▽≦)/

Wow, this game is really good! I didn't expect much from this game, it surprised me, the character is very interesting and the answers are according to my taste, this guy is very captivating, (besides being a cat), the story is amazing, I really liked it, I've never played it no other game like this, very good! I'm dying to see the end of the story! Who knows I might make him even more crazy about me lololo I would love it if I could! You are amazing, thanks for the story and all your hard work! A kiss and a hug from a retard from Brazil!

I'm glad you liked it! There's still more to come!

a little spoiler

While i was playing i reached the scene where you pass out and the ......................... shows, and after i finished the scene, it just kept repeating the same scene i don't know if this is a bug or apart of the game 


Definitely not a bug... Have a little more patience and you'll see.


thats why i said i didn't know, but thank you

(1 edit)

This is a great game and i love every parts of it I just wonder... Is it just me or I did something wrong for the game to punish me by showing a bunch of " ........ " ?.. I am a persistent person at first but when i noticed that i been clicking it more than I can count I stopped hahahaha.. Please I really love this game and I want to see if there is something wrong I done.. Thank you in advance


You just have to keep clicking, or use the skip button!

Oh yeah Thank you.. I thought I choose something wrong in the previous choices that's why he's doing that.. Glad I didn't.. Anyways Thank you for the reply!!.. This is really a great game!.. Thank you for making it!! 


Its a pretty good game to pass time with, at some point while I was idle on the starting screen I saw him become a...clown? I wonder what that was for lol, looking forward to the completed game!

(2 edits) (+1)

An awesome little demo! I actually grew a slight attachment to the (plausible) killer- Love this! I will without a doubt play this went its done!     (edit; I thinks it's a bug or something cause I cannot move forward after the 2nd date unless, y'know I need to wait or something idk I just though i'd edit it here since it might be a bug..)

It is kind of a bug, i may have forgot to to add the "This is where the demo ends!" message

oh ok! cannot wait to see more! :D

(1 edit)

I absolutely adore this! Although there is one issue I am facing, I cannot start the game all over again for some reason, even after I delete it and reinstall from here it only takes me to the second date and mentions how the previous one went badly, I don't know why it does that but other than this I love the game very much ^^

In the top left corner there is a reset button! that should reset the game for you!

I have a problem when I want to load the game and choose any of the options then I have a problem that tells me: A exception has occurred I hope they fix it.

Is that all the error says?

specifying what it says is this :

A exception has occurred


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 41, in script call

    call start1 from _call_start1 #start1 is the label.

  File "game/Goodroute1.rpy", line 3, in script

    if vampire == True:

  File "game/Goodroute1.rpy", line 3, in <module>

    if vampire == True:

NameError: name 'vampire' is not defined

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/script.rpy", line 41, in script call

    call start1 from _call_start1 #start1 is the label.

  File "game/Goodroute1.rpy", line 3, in script

    if vampire == True:

  File "D:\P\Downloads\ADateWithYourSerialKiller-pc\ADateWithYourSerialKiller-pc\renpy\", line 1656, in execute

    if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):

  File "D:\P\Downloads\ADateWithYourSerialKiller-pc\ADateWithYourSerialKiller-pc\renpy\", line 1749, in py_eval

    return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)

  File "D:\P\Downloads\ADateWithYourSerialKiller-pc\ADateWithYourSerialKiller-pc\renpy\", line 1743, in py_eval_bytecode

    return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)

  File "game/Goodroute1.rpy", line 3, in <module>

    if vampire == True:

NameError: name 'vampire' is not defined



A Date With Your Serial Killer 


Thankyou! i realize i may have left a bit of code that didn't belong there in the game! i'll update it!


Are you going to release this game in parts, or are you going to release it once it's fully finished? :0

I think for now i'll focus on releasing it in parts, it may take too long to finish it and i think having updates is easier.

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